Active Math Java Accounts

Active Math Java offers three account types:

  • Administrator: This account is offered to a school principal or a senior administrator. The administrator account is used to create Teacher accounts.
  • Teacher: Teacher accounts are created by school principal or a senior administrator controlling the Administrator account. Teacher accounts are used to create Student User accounts.
  • Student User: This the basic user account.

How Administrators add Teacher Accounts

When a school applies for an Administrator account they will be sent a username and password for the account.

From the Softway home page, the Administrator should click on the Click to log in link at the top right of the page (see below).

This will take them to the log in page (see below).

This page is the same for all users. You simply enter your username and password and click the log in button. The computer will know from your username what type of account you hold, and it will take you to the appropriate page.

In the case of an Administrator, you will be taken to the Add Teacher page (see below), because that is all Administrators are supposed to do. They create Teacher accounts.

When creating Teacher accounts all administrators have to remember is that both usernames and passwords are limited to eight digits. All usernames must be unique. If you select one that is already in the database, the computer will politely ask you to try another. Combining part of a name with numbers is usually a good strategy for creating unique usernames.

For each teacher, enter the username once and the password twice, and click the add teacher button. If all goes to plan you will be advised that a teacher has been added successfully, and you will be free to add another (see below).

How Teachers add Student Accounts

When a school Administrator has created the required number of Teacher accounts they must advise each teacher of their username and password.

From the Softway home page, each teacher should click on the Click to log in link at the top right of the page (see below).

This will take them to the log in page. This page is the same for all users. Each teacher enters his or her username and password and clicks the Log in button (see below).

The computer will know from the username that a teacher is logging in, and each one will be taken to the Add Student User page (see below).

When creating student accounts the same rules apply as for other user types. Usernames and passwords are limited to eight digits and usernames must be unique. In addition to entering usernames and passwords for students, teachers are also invited to enter their age in years and months, although these fields are not mandatory.

After entering details for each student in their class, teachers should click the add student button, and if all goes to plan they will be advised that a student user has been added, and they will be free to add another (see below).

Why can Administrators not do everything?

It is quite important that Administrators only create Teacher accounts, and teachers only create accounts for students in their own class. That is because the reports have been constructed such that teachers can only see results for students whose accounts were created by them.

What happens when students log in

When students log in, they will be taken straight to the Applet page, so they can begin their work. Students do not have access to any of the account creation pages. Even if a clever one memorizes or guesses the URL they will be denied access.

From their menu, students have access to a report on their own work.